




Product Information

Catalog #


EasyNAT Nucleic Acid Amplification and Detection Analyzer

4-module system, UC0104 U30012 pc
8-module system, UC0108 U30013 pc  
16-module system, UC0116 U30014 pc  

EasyNAT Diagnostic Kits

SARS-CoV-2 Assay, 20 tests/kit U20223 test  
SARS-CoV-2 Alpha Variant Assay, 20 tests/kit U202018-20 test  
SARS-CoV-2 Beta Variant Assay, 20 tests/kit U202020-20 test  
SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Assay, 20 tests/kit U202019-20 test  
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Assay, 20 tests/kit U202023-20 test  
SARS-CoV-2/Delta Variant Assay, 20 tests/kit U202024-20 test  
MTC Assay, 20 tests/kit U20103 test  
MTC/NTM Assay, 20 tests/kit U201002-20 test  
MP Assay, 20 tests/kit U20201 test  
Influenza A/B Assay, 20 tests/kit U20206 test  
RSV Assay, 20 tests/kit U20208 test  
BP Assay, 20 tests/kit U20209 test  
BP erythromycin Resistance Assay, 20 tests/kit U202004-20 test  
LP Assay, 20 tests/kit U202006-20 test  
CT/NG Assay, 20 tests/kit, NO CE U203001-20 test  
MG Assay, 20 tests/kit U20302 test  
HSV 1&2 Assay, 20 tests/kit U20304 test  
UU Assay, 20 tests/kit U20303 test  
UU/MH Assay, 20 tests/kit U203005-20 test  
GBS Assay, 20 tests/kit U20311 test  
Human Parvovirus B19 Assay, 20 tests/kit U203001-20 test  
TP Assay, 20 tests/kit U203004-20 test  
TV Assay, 20 tests/kit U203009-20 test  
HPV 16/18 Assay, 20 tests/kit U203011-20 test  
HPV 6/11 Assay, 20 tests/kit U203012-20 test  
Malaria Assay, 20 tests/kit U203010-20 test  
Monkeypox Virus, 20 tests/kit U202028-20  test  

Portable Nucleic Acid Test

COVID-19 RNA Test, 1 test/pack U20250 test  



  • Description

  1. EasyNAT POCT is based on three-stage magnetic conductivity extraction technology and patented Cross Priming Amplification Technology.
  2. The system is available in a 2, 4, 8or 16-module configuration and use the patented reagent vitrification technology for every EasyNAT test.


Core Technologies

  1. Cross Priming Isothermal Amplification Technology (CPA)
  2. Reagent Vitrification Technology





  1. Accurate: High-sensitivity,High-specificity,LoD: 200 copies/mL
  2. Faster:49 minutes “samples in result out” for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis
  3. POCT: Automatic integration of nucleic acid extraction, amplification and detection
  4. Safe:Patented cartridge design,Closed testing,No cross-contamination
  5. Price efficient compared to IdNOW, GenExpert, FilmArray, MolBio
  6. Simple: One-button operation
  7. Easy transportation: Vitrified preloaded cartridge,Ambient temperature transportation (-25℃-30℃)